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Welcome to my world of vitality filled - yoga and health coaching! Passionate about health and vitality my whole life, I've been a certified yoga teacher (200HR) since 2014 and a certified Health Coach (IIN) since 2018. I'm advanced trained in Reiki which simply helps me align energetically in my areas of focus. Super excited to share my Vitality Crush to be Healthy for Life with the world, to support you in your expanding vitality efforts and to grow in every way along this exciting journey.

Personally, I live a happy and healthy, balanced life near the beach in beautiful Southern California. I love doing hot yoga and walking on the beach or hiking trails regularly. I also love dancing, laughing, playing and going on land and water adventures with my family and friends. Incredibly grateful for so many beautiful blessings in my life. I thank God for it all EVERY day! 

Namaste, Alicia Rantos

(Yoga Alliance # 285976)

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